The Tickling Man

I was just returning from high school when suddenly I heard a voice coming from junkyard.It was a middle aged man saying:˝H..h..he is c..coming.˝I said:˝Who?˝He said:˝The Tickling Man.˝He explained it was some monster that comes at night,but sometimes at day in this town every 19 years.He was 200 cm tall,his hair was long and grey,his eyes were golden,his legs and arms were taller than his body and his skin was green.Man says he saw him killing his mother when was 14.He heard from his mother saying:˝NO!IT CAN'T BE!YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD!˝Tickling Man smiled and said:˝Dead?Lady,please.I am destroyer of the worlds and I cannot be destroyed.˝˝He killed my mother and I ran away.He followed me and said:˝You little rat,you think I am dumb enough to hear you running.˝I couldn't go anywhere else and friend of my mother saved me by shooting it with poisonous arrow.Tickling Man screamed and ran away.The man's name was Taylor.He adopted me and he was great stepfather˝-guy said.I said:˝You are joking,right?˝He said:˝No.˝After I ate my lunch once I came home,the black goo came from my bed and I thought in my head:˝It's just my imagination.˝All of the sudden arm appeared.That person from junkyard I met was right.The Tickling Man said:˝Hello,Mark.What's matter?You think that man would save you?TOO BAD HE IS DEAD!!˝He showed his head while blood was coming from his left ear.I blinked and the Tickling Man was gone.Mom came and said:˝Are you okay?˝I said:˝Yes,I am,mom.˝I told my friends about that and they told me they saw him too.I was afraid when I heard that.I couldn't sleep for weeks.It's been 2 months since I saw him.I tried my best to forget him,but I was always afraid he will get me.